Lunar Highlands Simulant (LHS-2) is a high-fidelity, mineralogy-based simulant chemically identical to our LHS-1. LHS-2 appropriately mimics a generic or average highlands regolith sample on the Moon. The highlands are considered to be the “lighter” regions on the Moon’s surface which is mainly plagioclase, often referred to as anorthosite.
The core difference between LHS-1 and LHS-2 is their particle size range. LHS-2 has a particle size range upper limit of 2mm, whereas LHS-1 has an upper limit of 1mm. They are identical mineralogically and chemically otherwise.
The particle size distribution of the simulant is targeted to match that of typical Apollo soils. LHS-2 does not currently simulate agglutinates or nanophase iron. However, our agglutinated simulant, LHS-1-25A, does simulate agglutinates characteristic of an intermediately mature Lunar Highlands Regolith. Custom simulated agglutinate mixes are also available upon request which can be found here.
For information on Mineralogy, bulk chemistry, and geotechnical properties, please see below:
Spec Sheet SDS Constituent Report
The individual minerals that make up our Lunar Simulants are available here
1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds
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