Staff from Exolith Lab/Space Resource Technologies speaking to students about Lunar Regolith SimulantsStaff from Exolith Lab/Space Resource Technologies speaking to students about Lunar Regolith Simulants

Educational Resources

Inspiring future generations by bringing space technology to you

Learn about the Moon Presentation!

This presentation contains great educational background information on the Moon and how our simulants are used to better understand it. Please feel free to use this presentation in your STEM educational programs!

Lunar Presentation

Learn about Mars Presentation!

This presentation contains great educational background information on Mars and how our simulants are used to better understand it. Please feel free to use this presentation in your STEM educational programs!

Martian Presentation

How to Fake the Moon - Atomic Frontier

Link to Video

This is Why Moon Dust is Such a Problem for NASA - Seeker

Link to Video

We give presentations at events, and love to visit and speak with students in our community!

We also offer discounts to individual educators and educational programs using our simulants.

If you are interested in a presentation or educator discount, please reach out!


We have been working with awesome partners in education to further our impact within the community both locally and internationally.

A few of these partners include:

  • Plant the Moon Challenge
  • DoD STARBASE Central Florida
  • The National Center for Simulation
  • Florida Space Grant Consortium
  • The Orlando Science Center
  • MOAS Daytona
  • Many more!

If you would like to partner with SRT on any educational projects please contact us!