Simulating the Red Planet: Mars Global Simulant (MGS-1) Explained

Simulating the Red Planet: Mars Global Simulant (MGS-1) Explained

As humanity sets its sights on Mars, understanding the Red Planet’s surface has never been more critical. Central to this effort are Martian Regolith Simulants—specially crafted materials that closely replicate the soil found on Mars. These simulants are essential for a wide range of research and development activities, from testing rover mobility to exploring the potential for agriculture on Mars.

Over the years, scientists have developed various versions of these simulants, each improving upon the last in terms of accuracy and reliability. Notable examples include JSC Mars-1 and Mojave Mars Simulant (MMS), which have become staples in Mars-related research.

However, as our knowledge of Mars deepens, the demand for even more precise Martian simulants has grown. Enter MGS-1 (Mars Global Simulant)—the newest and most advanced version yet. MGS-1 is a breakthrough in the field, designed to provide researchers with the most accurate representation of Martian regolith to date.

Understanding the Newest Mars Global Simulant: MGS-1

MGS-1 was created in 2018 and is the first of the basaltic-based Martian regolith simulants to accurately replicate the mineral composition of Martian soil.

Basalt is a dark, fine-grained igneous rock formed from the rapid cooling of lava at or near the surface. On Mars, basaltic rocks are widespread, particularly in volcanic regions and the vast plains that make up much of the Martian surface. This foundational aspect of MGS-1 sets the stage for exploring the motivations behind its creation.

The Driving Forces Behind the Development of MGS-1

Several key reasons prompted its creation:

Updated Mars Data

Since the earlier Mars simulants like JSC Mars-1 and MMS were developed, there have been significant advancements in our understanding of Martian soil, thanks to data from missions such as the Mars rovers (e.g., Curiosity, Perseverance) and orbiters.

These missions provided detailed information on the mineralogy, chemistry, and physical properties of Martian regolith, revealing that previous simulants did not fully capture the diversity and complexity of Martian soil. With this in mind, the need for a more standardized approach became apparent.


Previous Mars simulants varied widely in their composition and properties, leading to inconsistencies in research results. MGS-1 was developed to create a more standardized simulant that could be used consistently across different research projects, ensuring comparability of results.


MGS-1 was designed to be adaptable, allowing researchers to create sub-variants tailored to specific Martian environments.

MGS-1S (Sulfur-Rich Variant)

This variant specifically mimics the sulfur-rich regions on Mars, such as those found in areas with sulfate minerals. These soils are of particular interest because they may provide crucial clues about the history of water on Mars and potential habitats for life.

MGS-1C (Carbonate-Rich Variant)

This variant simulates Martian regolith rich in carbonates. Carbonate minerals are significant because they can form in the presence of liquid water, indicating past aqueous environments that may have been habitable.

These sub-variants enhance the versatility of MGS-1, making it an invaluable tool for studying diverse Martian environments and their implications for the planet's history and potential to support life.

Understanding the Core Features of MGS-1

Understanding the mineralogical composition of MGS-1 is crucial, as it provides essential insights into how closely this Martian soil simulant mirrors the properties of Martian regolith.


In addition to basaltic rock, which forms the foundation of MGS-1, the simulant includes several other key components:

  • Olivine and Pyroxene: These minerals are abundant in Martian basalts and are crucial to the composition of MGS-1. Their inclusion helps replicate the mineral diversity found in Martian soil.
  • Iron Oxides: To replicate the distinctive reddish hue of Martian soil, MGS-1 includes iron oxides such as hematite. These iron oxides are responsible for the characteristic color of Mars, enhancing the visual and spectral accuracy of the simulant.
  • Silica: Silica is another essential component of MGS-1, included to reflect the silicate minerals present in Martian regolith. This ensures that the simulant accurately represents the silicate-rich nature of Mars' surface.

These components collectively contribute to MGS-1's high fidelity, but they are not the only factors that set it apart.

X-ray Amorphous Content

MGS-1 contains not just crystalline minerals but also a significant amount of X-ray amorphous material, which are non-crystalline parts of Martian soil. These materials don’t have a regular structure, making them difficult to replicate. However, they are important for accurately simulating the true complexity of Martian soil.

Including these X-ray amorphous materials in MGS-1 is a big improvement over earlier simulants. It makes MGS-1 a more realistic and reliable model of Martian soil, especially for studies that involve chemical reactions, extracting resources, and understanding how Martian soil behaves in different environmental conditions.

Geomechanical Properties

MGS-1 is engineered with geomechanical properties that closely replicate the physical behavior of Martian regolith. This includes key factors such as grain size distribution, density, and cohesiveness, which are critical for understanding how Martian soil interacts with landers, rovers, and construction activities.

These geomechanical properties ensure that MGS-1 provides a realistic simulation of Martian soil's behavior under stress, making it an essential tool for testing and validating Mars exploration technologies. From landing gears and rover wheels to habitat construction technologies, MGS-1 enables researchers to conduct experiments with a high degree of accuracy and reliability.

Plant Tissues and MGS-1

While all Martian simulants have a wide range of applications, from testing rover mobility to understanding Martian geology, MGS-1 stands out for its significant potential in agricultural studies on Mars.

MGS-1 has shown significant promise as a substrate for plant growth, an essential area of research for future Mars missions where in-situ agriculture could play a crucial role in sustaining human life. Studies conducted using MGS-1 have demonstrated its potential to support plant growth under conditions that closely mimic those on Mars, providing valuable insights into how plants might be cultivated on the Red Planet.

One notable experiment involved the growth of sweet potatoes in MGS-1. The results were encouraging, with the sweet potato plants exhibiting optimal growth and antioxidant properties at 25% MGS-1 exposure. This suggests that Martian regolith, as simulated by MGS-1, could support the growth of certain crops with minimal soil modification, a critical factor for long-term sustainability on Mars.

Key areas where MGS-1 is utilized in plant studies include:

  • Storage Root Biomass: Researchers have used MGS-1 to study the effects of Martian soil conditions on storage root biomass, a vital part of understanding how food crops could be cultivated on Mars.
  • Plant Tissue Response: The simulant allows scientists to investigate how plant tissues, particularly storage roots, respond to the unique chemical and physical properties of Martian soil simulants.
  • Agricultural Feasibility: These studies contribute to evaluating the feasibility of Martian agriculture, helping to identify which crops could thrive on Mars and what soil treatments might be necessary.

Pioneering the Future of Martian Exploration

MGS-1 represents a significant advancement in our ability to simulate Martian regolith with high fidelity, offering a crucial tool for the scientific community as humanity prepares for future exploration of the Red Planet.

From its precise mineralogical composition to its innovative sub-variants, MGS-1 allows researchers to delve deeper into the complexities of Martian soil, enabling more accurate studies and experiments.

At Space Resource Technologies, we are proud to offer MGS-1 as part of our comprehensive collection of Martian simulants. Our products are designed to meet the rigorous demands of modern research, ensuring that scientists and engineers have the reliable materials they need to push the boundaries of space exploration.